I just wanted to do a quick update.
At almost 34 weeks, I am having extra beats in my heart that take away my breath. Been to theER Still having bad headaches. But really, everything else is going as planned. Baby went from 50th percentile to 30th percentile for the growth scan at 32 weeks. Looks like she will be a nice little peanut!
Aside from that, we are looking at being induced on 3/6 if she stays put that long. I opted for induction due to planability! But as everyone knows, babies make their own plans sometimes.
We seem to have a lot of things together. Working on opening my account to ship milk on Southwest Cargo. We have a plan for the birth and when everyone is coming. I got my labor gown. Starting to get my bag packed. We also have back up plans for some aspects of the plan.
Some photos of sweet girl during the growth scan. We didn't get a lot of great photos -- she had her hand up by her face the whole time! She is head down and has been for some time so keeping my fingers crossed that she stays put!
And some belly photos that I haven't posted
How far along? 33+4
Total weight gain/measurements: Don't want to talk about it
Maternity clothes: I need more leggings. I have 2 pairs of leggings and two pairs of jeans. Lame choices of clothes right now -- I did buy some jogger sweatpants that I am enjoying.
Stretch marks? Nothing new
Sleep: Not so good -- Heart palpitations wake me up as well as numbness/burning in my left thigh. It hurts to sleep now
Best moment this week: Probably having Nonnie come!
Movement: All of the time
Food cravings: Scallops -- weird one. Nonnie bought some and made them for me. I couldn't stop talking about them.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not particularly
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Of Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Bad swelling from ankles to knees
Wedding rings on or off?About to have to take my pregnancy wedding band off because my hands are swelling
Happy or moody most of the time?Currently Moody
Miss anything yet? Margaritas and getting dressed with ease
Looking forward to: See above
Total weight gain/measurements: Don't want to talk about it
Maternity clothes: I need more leggings. I have 2 pairs of leggings and two pairs of jeans. Lame choices of clothes right now -- I did buy some jogger sweatpants that I am enjoying.
Stretch marks? Nothing new
Sleep: Not so good -- Heart palpitations wake me up as well as numbness/burning in my left thigh. It hurts to sleep now
Best moment this week: Probably having Nonnie come!
Movement: All of the time
Food cravings: Scallops -- weird one. Nonnie bought some and made them for me. I couldn't stop talking about them.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not particularly
Gender: Girl
Labor signs: Of Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Bad swelling from ankles to knees
Wedding rings on or off?About to have to take my pregnancy wedding band off because my hands are swelling
Happy or moody most of the time?Currently Moody
Miss anything yet? Margaritas and getting dressed with ease
Looking forward to: See above