This is going to be a fly by post with nothing but screenshots offering info for the week! I am tired this week and still not feeling well. The thought of meat is really not good at this point so I am back to basically all potatoes and carbs. I need to invest in some protein powder to mix with my frozen fruits to get enough protein in. I haven't gained any weight as of now -- if I have it is 1-2 lbs that come and go so it is not consistent. This Friday I have an OB orientation at the hospital to get paperwork started. Next Wednesday is my first OB appointment and we did get the doctor we were hoping for (the one my last OB recommended -- she took me on as a special case even though she was not accepting new patients!) I will also be getting the second part of the blood work done for the genetic testing. This weekend we are going to visit my Aunt on the Eastern Shore and maybe try sailing -- Hopefully teacup enjoys sailing and I don't regret this!
I still cherish the excitement that the parents feel. I can just read it in every single email from them! They are amazing and it is such a joy to work with two people who are so amazing in general, but even more so to me!
The sweet teacup is looking less like a sugar cube and more like a baby now! |
Baby nearly doubled in weight since last week |
(these are from 3 different apps and totally out of order! maybe next time I should number the photos so I can make sure I put them in the right order!)
So there you have it -- Information overload for week 15!
OHHHHH!!! One last thing!! I sent L another charm for her necklace -- this time a double decker bus -- you know the kind they have in London? The significance of this charm was that there are TWO levels and we are in the SECOND trimester -- witty right?
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