Yesterday, the surrogacy community got such a huge blow -- one you would not expect to see. Surrogates are tested so thoroughly, emotionally and physically that anything other than a favorable outcome is not expected. I have been around the surrogacy world for 8 years now and thought I had seen it all, but this one, I had not seen. A surrogate named Brooke (I do not personally know her but that does not change how much it hits me in the gut), was carrying twins and was set to be induced today. She was 37 weeks. I have read two different accounts but neither matter much -- one was that her uterus ruptured and one was that there was a placenta abruption. The surrogate passed away leaving behind a family with 3 children. The twins apparently were without oxygen as well and I heard they were not doing well and are seizing. The last I read was that the babies too passed, but I am unsure as it is not my business to dig for information. The truth is, none of the 'facts' matter. What truly matters is that a woman who was selflessly carrying babies for another couple died. She passed away although her risks were seemingly low. These babies are either clinging onto their lives or lost their lives. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Just remember that... It is a somber reminder that even though we have never seen this before and there are seemingly low risks, there are risks with all that we do. So with that being said, even though I do not know Brooke, she left this earth as a hero to a family. It is tragic, but she was doing something so kind-hearted and with such passion. I just hope that her family is able to pick up the pieces of their life and find peace. I also hope that the IPs are doing well with healing during this. I cannot imagine the grief that is felt by all.
Into other news. This week is week 28 for us. Even though I am just 28
weeks, I feel much further along due to measuring ahead. Also
unfortunately, the sickness seems to have made a comeback especially at
night. For the last week or so, I have felt nauseous every single
night. I cannot seem to find a rhyme or reason to this, so my guess is
just routine pregnancy sickness! At least I got about a 2 month break!
Fortunately, the survival rate is very very high after this point in the gestation! That means that should this little girl get antsy, that she would have a great chance of survival. |
Feeling quite round! |
Today, my kiddos had off of school today. It was a teacher development day. This week has been kind of crummy and I was not looking forward to having them home with me today because I had a lot of school work to get done among other things in life that needed to be done! But instead of just hanging out around the house and letting the kids argue and bicker all day, I took them to the park and hung out with my friend and birth photographer Julie and her kids. We hung out for about an hour and a half and I just enjoyed the fresh air and girl time. Then this afternoon we broke out my new cookie press and we made cookies together!
Not a great photo of me at all, but I am rarely in photos but my husband snapped a photo of me with the kiddos making memories |
Finally, as I was sitting on the couch doing school work, my doorbell rang - It was after 8 when it rang and when I opened the door, this was sitting outside. I got boo'd! It was a wonderful surprise and just what I needed this week. It has just been a week of funky moods, bad phone calls and utter chaos! So thank you unidentified neighbor -- you made my week!!!!
That is all for this week!
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