Today was transfer day and it couldn't have gone any better! C&E came over to my house first thing this morning and gave me a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a nice little thank you card and we rode down to Richmond together where we took a pit stop to Nonnie's house to drop the kids off. But first, E&C got roped into playing with the kids before leaving. The kids gave a whole tour of the garden and the chickens and they went to the pond to skip rocks and played on the swing.
I got this little Willow Tree Figurine with a card. I was trying to come up with something sentimental and symbolic when I saw this and I knew it was perfect. It is a little boy holding a small plant. This plant grew from a seed and one day will be something amazing and big. On the box it said "The gesture of this piece, something special, is on e of protection and caring for something precious, our children... I see it as a piece about possibilities." |
We got to the clinic on time and I quickly got undressed for the nurse to come in and check the visibility of the uterus on ultrasound. The nurse commented on how beautiful the lining was. You have to have a full bladder for this procedure -- but mine was painfully full so they let me relieve some. Came back and waited for Dr. Steingold. He came in and we went over consents and got the news of the embryos which was fantastic!
The white line going through the middle of the uterus is the center of the lining |
The one we transferred was a 4BA grade which was nearly perfect. Each of the dads made embryos and out of the 15 eggs that fertilized on Friday, there is a possibility of the one we transferred plus 3 from one of the dads and 4 from the other dad. So that means that 7 may be frozen -- they are growing them out a little bit longer before making the determination of their grades.
The Beautiful Embryo Transferred |
After we talked about consents, they called the lab for the embryos to come in via isolette -- truly a beeping incubator. The guys were able to check out their embryo under microscope while the Doctor performed a mock transfer to make sure all went well with an empty catheter passing through the cervix. The worst part of the entire transfer is the speculum putting intense pressure on an already full bladder. Then the Transfer happened in just a few seconds. The doctor puts the catheter through the cervix and says "This looks like a good spot -- Everyone in agreement?" Embryologist agrees, nurse agrees. Then the embryo is released. Count to 10 then slowly draw the catheter out so that it doesn't create a vacuum and bring the embryo with it.
Not a great photo - was taken from the procedure table |
The white dots to the left and right of the embryo is the air that surrounds the embryo in the catheter. It is hard to see the actual embryo, but when you see the video of the transfer, you see the white dots of air bubbles instead. |
Next comes the 15 minute wait that feels like 2 hours because your bladder is so full it hurts... tick tock tick tock.
After that, we snapped a photo on our way out!
E Left in photo, C right in photo |
We were all starving by this point and we went around the corner and got PF Changs. What is good Chinese without a fortune cookie? Check out C's fortune
Hopefully it is a positive pregnancy test! |
Speaking of pregnancy tests -- I think I am ready for this cycle. I won't probably see anything positive until Sunday would be a safe guess. But don't start pressuring me to start early -- No need to, I will probably already be testing. The guys want to know if I get a positive so hopefully the anticipation doesn't kill us all!
This is totally a normal amount of pregnancy tests for one cycle for a surrogate I promise! Some are expired so you can't trust them. Some are blue dye tests, so you cant trust them. Basically I am out of practice peeing on tests so I need a lot to practice on! |
Finally, I got home and we all hung out in the yard for a bit. E showed the kids that he could do cartwheels (He will be paying for that tomorrow! lol) C was throwing baseballs with Weston. So they will fit nicely into the family life very soon. E says his mom is so ready for grandkids so he will be sharing the transfer video with her. I came in the house, had dinner and kicked my feet up for a bit. Of course I had to wear my stork leggings for the transfer -- it's a good omen for what is to come -- me delivering a baby for them!
Now off to bed because as I was laying on the table waiting for transfer, my phone was ringing over and over. Turns out a client is in labor today so I will be heading off to a birth overnight. I hope that is another good omen! Babies, Babies Everywhere!
tears! such an amazing day! so happy for YOU and THEM! love of love to all y'all!