This is a huge photo dump of the past almost 8 wks.
Right after the last update, my family went on a cruise to Bermuda. It was a blast. Lots of food. Lots of sun. And lots of Fun!
Immediately after returning (and I do mean within a few hours!), I met E&C and Rowan at the hospital for our big ultrasound! It was so great seeing them after several months and it had been more than a year since I had seen Rowan!
Baby girl Shark is still a girl! Everything looked great at this ultrasound and we took a tour of Labor & Delivery so we could be prepared when the time comes! The rooms there are awesome -- laboring jetted tubs in every room plus if you want water birth, they set up a birthing pool!
Next up, I took a trip to see Melissa (aka crying doula) and her family for sweet S's first birthday! Time with friends is never enough but I am so glad I was able to make it for such a big day for their family!
And now, its the holidays and we have had a ton of snow. One storm with 17 inches, a smaller one with only 4 inches and now we got another storm yesterday of somewhere around 12 inches. We also went up to Rocky Mountain National park for a day trip with the family and had a surprise visit from Nonnie as well as celebrated the Marine Corps Birthday! Maybe all of this will explain why I am such a slacker with the blog! I guess you could say, I never stop!
Now for belly photos -- I lost a few weeks of them since my phone new phone just up and died on me -- but I assure you, I have lived every minute of these last few weeks and don't always have great stories to tell of it lol!
And now the last note -- yesterday i went to another Ultrasound with MFM for a fetal echocardiogram -- Baby girl is doing well and is about 1lb7oz, measuring lovely at 29% and everything looks super healthy for her! My next appointment, I will go in before hand and have my glucose screening done as well as a full iron panel to see how my 6 times a day supplementation is doing for my low ferritin.
How far along? 24w6d
Total weight gain/measurements: 21 lbs 😳 Not something I like to talk about but the doctors aren't concerned- This pregnancy might be the most gained yet
Maternity clothes: Yep - firmly in those!
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Last night I was awake from 1am-430am It was a rough night for insomnia and I am feeling it today
Best moment this week: Tomorrow when we get to go to the cousin's for Thanksgiving dinner!
Movement: All the time - my husband felt her crazy movements the other night on accident
Food cravings: Right now, nothing. I feel nauseous
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing with any rhyme or reason -- nausea still comes on strong quickly
Gender: Little Girl
Labor signs: No - But I do have frequent Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Round ligament pain reared its ugly head consistently this week - trying stretches and using a belly support band now
Wedding rings on or off? Pregnancy band on -- I have one dedicated to just pregnancy but I cannot wear my fancy set now
Happy or moody most of the time? I fly off the handles easily. Little patience
Miss anything yet? Last pregnancy, it was margaritas, this time its beer
Looking forward to: Taking a nap this afternoon
Total weight gain/measurements: 21 lbs 😳 Not something I like to talk about but the doctors aren't concerned- This pregnancy might be the most gained yet
Maternity clothes: Yep - firmly in those!
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Last night I was awake from 1am-430am It was a rough night for insomnia and I am feeling it today
Best moment this week: Tomorrow when we get to go to the cousin's for Thanksgiving dinner!
Movement: All the time - my husband felt her crazy movements the other night on accident
Food cravings: Right now, nothing. I feel nauseous
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing with any rhyme or reason -- nausea still comes on strong quickly
Gender: Little Girl
Labor signs: No - But I do have frequent Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Round ligament pain reared its ugly head consistently this week - trying stretches and using a belly support band now
Wedding rings on or off? Pregnancy band on -- I have one dedicated to just pregnancy but I cannot wear my fancy set now
Happy or moody most of the time? I fly off the handles easily. Little patience
Miss anything yet? Last pregnancy, it was margaritas, this time its beer
Looking forward to: Taking a nap this afternoon
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