Needless to say, when you are traveling with a 10 year old, 7 year old and 4 year old, you are busy and you don't sit on the computer much! I only blog from my computer -- though I should figure out how to do it from my phone since I am on it all of the time!
The first beta results at 10dp5dt or 15dpo was
Second beta at 13dp5dt or 18dpo was:
Everything was looking great -- Progesterone and Estrogen were fantastic as well! I can tell you that I suffered from terrible car sickness on this 4,271+ mile trip! Not only did I have car sickness, but I also experienced tremendous altitude sickness in Denver and Colorado Springs!
Our highlights on the road included Denver, Mount Rushmore, Badlands National Park, visits with friends in Omaha and Des Moines, a Wedding and family time in Wisconsin and meeting up with friends in Louisville, KY. It was an exceptional trip with a lot of fun memories made.
On Saturday, August 12, my husband and I got to go to a wedding together with no kids (they stayed with their aunt and uncle and cousins).
This paragraph contains TMI -- If you don't want to read, skip this paragraph.
We had a great time -- good food, good company and we danced to a few songs. We headed home and it was pretty late. On the way home, I started feeling off. Got sweaty, felt incredibly nauseous. I thought it was the food at the wedding. Then my stomach started cramping and I thought I needed to use the bathroom. Told my husband that I wasn't even getting my purse, instead I was going straight to the bathroom. When we got back to the house, I got out of the car and started heading into the house and bleeding started. It was so much blood. It was in my shoes, all over my dress, all over the pavement. I was terrified. I yelled for my husband but could not go in the house. He ran in and got me a towel so I could at least get myself to the shower to clean myself up. On the way, I ruined a rug. As quickly as the bleeding started, it stopped. Within 5 minutes, the bleeding ceased but so much blood was lost quickly. I called the doctor on call and he just said to hydrate and to call my doctor on Monday. I took it easy all day Sunday and aside from being extremely tired, there were no other signs of any of what I had experienced the night before. Monday my doctor asked me to come in when I got back in town for an OB ultrasound but seemed optimistic that the bleeding did not continue.
We drove back from Louisville, KY on Wednesday night, got in around 11pm. The next day we hopped right back into the car to drive the 100 miles to the clinic to find out how this little baby was doing. Everything is perfectly on track and the bleeding is unexplained but thought to be a subchorionic hemorrhage or hematoma (SCH). This is a pocket of blood between the baby and the uterus that can just spontaneous release the blood. This type of bleeding doesn't typically last days, so it is easier to distinguish between miscarriage and SCH. The doctor explained that this happens in 20-30% of their IVF patients. While it is common, it is still terrifying when it happens to you. SCHs can resolve and never have another problem, they can grow and ultimately put the pregnancy at risk or you can have many bleeding episodes throughout the pregnancy. Looks like we had best case scenario, because this baby is hanging in there with a heart rate of 136 and growing right on target (Baby was 7w0d for ultrasound, measuring 7w1d). Due date is April 5, 2018. It looks like the pocket of blood completely collapsed and we shouldn't have anymore issues.
This doctor was really fantastic and thanked us for allowing him to care for us -- it wasn't our usual doctor. To know that the whole practice has compassionate and caring doctor really means a lot for recommendations! The doctor asked if we wanted to facetime with the parents but due to their schedules and commute, I opted to record it so they could see it as many times as they wanted and could share with everyone! I love that the doctor explained exactly what we were looking at for the parents -- as if they were in the room and that he congratulated them many times. Dr. Shah with Virginia Fertility Associates really is a stellar doctor!
Here's the video.
We have another appointment coming up this week on Thursday as well to get us established with the OB that will care for us throughout pregnancy -- so I will update after that appointment!
We could not be more excited -- especially the daddies to be -- They are OVER the moon -- I am sure their family is too! Great things to come!