Thursday, September 14, 2017

11 wk update with Ultrasound Photos

It's been 4 weeks. I am not the best at updating this go around!

We are currently 11 weeks today!

A little catching up to do here -- I went in at 8 weeks for an ultrasound here at the clinic I will be seeing for the pregnancy.  I had been having spotting off and on for a week so I was a little nervous.  But all was good.  Baby measured perfectly.

The doctor I had that day was interesting. The nurse actually told me to just not disclose it was surrogacy because the doctor had strong feelings against surrogacy.  So I just answered questions very pointedly.  It was IVF, 5 day embryo and a donor egg.  I didn't really elaborate on it at all from there and fortunately he didn't ask because I am not sure what I would have said.

Today, we had an 11 wk check up and both of the dads got to be at the appointment.  I was placed with a really fantastic doctor and I asked her "How do you feel about supporting a surrogate pregnancy?" and she said she was excited. She hoped we would continue to see her and that she would be the one delivering the baby in April.  She was excellent and thorough.  My favorite part was the ultrasound.  This is the first time that the guys got to see their baby in more than just a video or ultrasound photo.  I couldn't see the ultrasound machine at all, but I didn't care.  I was enjoying their faces and remarks.  Their baby even moved... a lot... for them to see.  Baby's heartbeat was 156 today.

These pictures aren't great, but it was very clear on the monitor -- they did an abdominal ultrasound so they aren't as clear as a transvaginal ultrasound.

And this baby kind of has an unintended nickname.  The last one was called Teacup because her parents were British.  I really haven't come up with anything this time. I tried to. I wanted something that resonated with C specifically, but it just wasn't seeming right -nothing rolled off the tongue.  He likes Western themed things - Tumbleweed & Sheriff were two options... but they just didn't stick.

My Friend Melissa said one day "This is so not PC, but Gayby is the baby's nick name!" and it has kind of stuck in our circle of friends  People crack up over it.  We even got a laugh about it in the exam room today with the doctor in there -- the dads weren't offended!  They think its funny.  Maybe the nickname will come when they find out the sex!

Our next appt is in 5 weeks and they have put the request in for me to schedule the anatomy ultrasound!

One last thing -- Today, I was in the Lab getting my 10-14 week genetic screening drawn. When we were sitting in there, everyone started cheering out in the hallway. I was unsure of what they were cheering about but looked.  Apparently a car pulled up to the front of the hospital and a doctor ran down with a bag of things and delivered a baby right outside the front of the hospital!  The cheers were for mom & baby come into the hospital safely!  That baby is going to be reminded that story every year on his or her birthday!