Tuesday, October 28, 2014

On the Eve of my Clinical Evaluation

What goes into a clinical evaluation you ask?  Really the shorter answer is what doesn't go into a clinical evaluation.  I am sure the kitchen sink will even be thrown in there!  (I have to remember as I am writing my blog, that I will have people from ALL over the world reading this!  Hello international followers!  My IPs must have shared because I have some hits from Ireland and many from the UK!! And I really haven't shared outside of them!)

So here is my schedule for tomorrow--

Get undressed,
Get dressed.
Get Undressed,
Get dressed.
Learn to poke a shot in your hip.
Figure out if you are crazy. (We are all a little crazy to be doing this!)

Okay so a better explanation--

I have an HSG I have to do first thing in the morning.  They inject dye through your cervical opening, fill up your uterus and fallopian tubes and then the dye pours out the ends there.  While your uterus and fallopian tubes are full, they take an X-Ray to make sure everything is squeaky clean and there are no bad things like fibroids in your uterus that would inhibit a little baby embryo from sticking and staying for 9 months!

Then I get dressed and have the clinical consult with Dr. L. During this consult, he is deciding if I am a great candidate for surrogacy.  Is my medical history okay?  Pregnancy and labor history okay?  Things like that.

Then, I get undressed again.  (I don't make the rules here!) And Dr. L does a physical examination and puts a catheter through the uterus to make sure that everything can be visualized well through ultrasound and again that everything again squeaky clean in the womb.

Then I get dressed again.  Now I have a visit with the clinical IVF Coordinator/Nurse to get my medical directions-- get medication instructions, learn how to give shots etc.

Then I get turned loose to go talk to the Social Worker.  (By this time it will be close to 1pm and I have been at the clinic for FIVE HOURS!!  I swear making a baby usually doesn't take this long!  It makes this one extra special!)  Now I go and do an MMPI questionnaire.  What does that mean?  I am so glad you asked.

Its a personality test.  It tells me if I am crazy or not.  It tells them if I have obsessive compulsive tendencies (I like to call it consistent!) Questions are asked like True/False 'I hear voices in my head.' Well I mean I do, but they tell me to get up and go do the dishes.  So is that true or false?  'I would like to be a singer'  Well I like to sing but I wouldn't want to be a singer because I wouldn't want to do with the paparazzi.  'I have nightmares every few nights.'  Well that is true.  But does that make me crazy?

As you can see this is going to be a fun day tomorrow!! 

So some Clinical Eval thoughts-- Because surely everyone who is reading wants to know what surrogates think about the night before all of this happens.

1.  I wish I would have remembered my hair brush and razor.  Both important parts of tomorrow.
2. I remembered my umbrella, but forgot my hairbrush.  How does that happen?
3.  This suite I was upgraded to is SUPER nice, but a little lonely because I have this HUGE room but I have only sat on the bed to do school work.
4. DC traffic might make me fail that personality test-- It makes me crazy!!
5.  I cant wait to meet E&L in 3 weeks when they come stateside-- that will make all of this stuff tomorrow worth it!
6.  Don't oversleep tomorrow!
7. Gosh I hope there is nothing wrong with me :(  I think this might go through every surrogate's head.  I have never had anyone tell me I shouldn't be pregnant for myself or anyone else, but there is so much hope on the line and I don't want to let anyone down!
8. I know I have put weight on (22 lbs to be exact! from my 3 cycles and blighted ovum over the past 7 months!) I am under BMI standards but I still feel very nervous about my weight even though I have been working hard on it.
9.  Hopefully no one looks twice tomorrow at my fat bloody lip.  It looks like I either got popped in a mouth or like I have some kind of communicable disease!  I was trying to reach Weston's epi pen for the daycare on a shelf I couldn't reach.  The sun was shining so brightly in through the kitchen window that I couldn't see what I was grabbing for-- Well a full glass jar fell out and hit me in the mouth from about 8 foot up... GAHHHHH!!  Lovely swollen lip!! 

Okay that is enough meandering thoughts for one evening!  Wish us all luck both here in Maryland and across the pond in the UK-- I am certain they will be waiting for updates throughout the day :)

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