For our journey, we will Let go and Let God. He will receive all of the Glory for the beauty in the journey!
I went to church tonight and they are doing a series about having your best year ever and how 2015 will be amazing. One of the topics was about the Eeyore Syndrome-- We all know someone like that. Someone who has the worst life ever because of other people's decisions but it is never their fault. "The boss has a target on my back" "It was the electric company's fault that our power was cut off" You know that type of person? I certainly know a few. I have chosen to distance myself from most of those people because I don't need to be brought down by your "woe is me!" mentality. But I have kept some around... Maybe for THIS exact moment. Learn something. Listen up.
The message essentially was: What He brings you to, He will bring you through... as long as you let him. It is either that He is with you or you are against Him. There is no way around this.
Some other things that the pastor said:
You will only hit in life what you are aiming at. If you aim at nothing, you will get nothing. If you aim at God, his glories will rain on you. If you aim at bad stuff, that is what you get in return. What ever you aim at, you will hit. Last year sucked? What you aimed at last year, you hit.
Pain and suffering is not the plan God has for your life. God's plan is hope and future. The pain is a consequence for aiming at something other than Him.
God sees you for who you will become through him, not who you have been so now is a good time to make that change.
We blame God for our circumstances rather than taking blame for our own actions. Perspective can easily be manipulated by circumstance>
If your life sucks--- you have two options. Dwell on it and blame others or find a church, sit your butt in a pew and let all of your problems go to God. He will take care of them. Instead of complaining, complain to God. He will adjust your attitude.
I have posted recently that attitude is 95% of how you approach a problem. Seriously-- if you find yourself complaining about life (and more than wanting to swap wine for whine), please find God-- he will help you through it and help you find the positive even in negative situations!!
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