Thursday, February 19, 2015

Snowflake Baby!!

L & E managed to create one beautiful, unique, little frozen embryo that in the genetic world -- is PERFECT!! 

I just stand in awe of how amazing all of this is.  There really aren't adequate words that can describe how I feel about this one little embryo having a chance in my uterus.  The words just escape me.

After I got the news, I couldn't help to be elated for this chance for them.  I received this email from E (Intended Father) that left me wondering why I got teary, I mean I am not even on those fertility meds yet!!!

Just reading your blog, and talking to a few friends in the last few hours, I am reminded again how complicated and amazing what we are doing actually is. As things stand, L and I have managed to create one normal embryo. It's our best team performance to date and we are super happy, but without you that is all it will ever be. Going forward what  you are about to do for us is possibly the most amazing thing that anybody could do for anybody. Whatever happens next I just wanted to say thank you. E

*THIS* is why I do this.  It is not for the 'quick' paycheck,  It is knowing that I am able to participate in something that is so much bigger than me.  A concept that is so much larger than I can even grasp! I just hope my uterus is enough and that somehow we are blessed with 10 months of a completely healthy relationship that in the end, results in making them PARENTS for the first time.  For everyone reading wondering how I do this-- just read that email-- we are a team.  This was my calling to help this family and we are about to grow a baby together! 

What is next?  (Of course this is the next logical question!)

  • Intended Parents completely fund Escrow
  • They have already signed contracts and now I am waiting to get contracts
  • Continue active birth control
  • Wait for call from Clinic to set up Frozen Embryo Transfer (also known as a FET)
  • Receive box of medication and start injections
  • Monitoring Ultrasounds often 
  • Transfer little PERFECT embryo
  • Gestate said embryo until it becomes a full grown healthy baby in 10 months!
  • Hand baby over to parents, pump gallons of milk and feel blessed that I don't have to rock baby to sleep 15 times a night
It is almost here-- the injections, the hormones, the transfer-- all of it.  And I am excited and a bit nervous.  I have dealt with let downs in the past but this time I am forever optimistic that this embryo has the chance to make L&E parents and we are all going to do this together!

And when that baby grows up, s/he can remind friends how much s/he was loved before even created! (Because leave it to me to lighten up a mood!)

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