So we have reached 29 weeks and will reach 30 weeks in 2 days. I have also hit some serious insomnia. I hit it with almost every pregnancy but usually my go to is I get out of bed so my thrashing does not wake my husband and I go to the kitchen, open some fruit cocktail and eat it out of the can and surf things like babycenter or the internet... This time, I keep thinking 'I will go to sleep any minute, I am just going to stay in bed for a few more minutes' then before I know it, its after midnight or 1am and I have wasted more than 2 hours thinking about sleeping! Add to the insomnia, the using the bathroom at least every 2 hours all night and I have always thought this was Mother Nature's way of getting you ready to get up all night with the baby.

Here is the thing Mother Nature, you didn't get the message, I won't have a baby to wake up with! I do plan on pumping but I won't need to be up more than 20 minutes maybe twice a night for that. I won't need to be up several times all night or even better, I won't have to stay up with a baby that needs me! Sometimes I sit back and I think about surrogacy and I think "This truly is an amazing thing! I get to be pregnant and enjoy these few months but at the end of this, I get sleep too!"
Another side note -- I often get asked 'Do you think you will want to keep the baby?' I don't even have to think about it... No. No. And No. Not only because this baby isn't mine but also because this baby is really active at night. All night. Good luck with this mama and daddy! I gladly pass your little girl to you to keep you up while you stare at her all night because she thinks night time is an okay time to be awake! She is so active between 9-12 especially which is surely feeding into my insomnia. Constantly. Just moving, moving moving. Nonstop!! I do not want a baby that sleeps at night. I do not want a baby that is awake at night. I do not want this baby at all! But I know a two people that want her no matter what and two whole families waiting to meet her!!
Here is my 29 week update that somehow I thought was my 30 week
update?! Regardless -- we have about 10 weeks left and that is flat out
CRAZY! Time is flying by! I am up 21 lbs now. So hopefully I will stay in that 30 lb recommended weight gain but I have a plan for all of that once I am no longer gestating -- more about that next!
Wondering where the lbs are coming from? Well of course they are coming from good food! Tonight the kids played that they were my waiter and manager and were taking orders and bring me stuff from the kitchen that my husband was making. The server (Weston) dropped my plate of cheese and crackers and the manager (Leah) came and comped my meal and brought me an extra treat too!
So next comes the plan to get rid of the weight. I am getting myself a push present. But not the typical push present. For those of you who have never heard what a push present, us Americans like to give frivilous gifts for everything! This is what Wikipedia defines a push present as:
A push present (also known as a push gift, baby mama gift or baby bauble) is a present a father gives to the mother to mark the occasion of her giving birth to their child. In practice the present may be given before or after the birth, or even in the delivery room.
So with that being said, i am buying myself a push present that I can ... well I can push it. Prior to this pregnancy, I ran a lot. A half marathon one weekend, a ten miler the next weekend. But I was in Physical Therapy for my hips at the beginning of this pregnancy and have not really run much at all since getting pregnant and I miss it terribly. I miss the sense of accomplishment, I miss the health factors, and I miss the time spent with my husband together. So I am buying a single jogging stroller. I have one now, but it is too tall for me and I am not comfortable running with it and I also have a double stroller from when I got into shape after Piper's pregnancy. Here is the beauty I am buying for myself. Can't wait to start beating feet on those trails and get to finally meet the Stroller Warriors here at this base! A push present that you actually push! Its an amazing concept!

Finally, today I decided that I needed to take one stressor out of my life temporarily. With a lot going on in my personal life with my family, being pregnant, moving to another house soon, volunteering and joining a mother's group twice a week as well as taking on Troop Co-Leader for my daughter's girl scout troop, I have decided that I am going to take 2 months off from school and restart that in January. I am currently taking 2 classes and I sometimes don't know how I am making ends meet with everything I have on my plate! I am excited to have these two months off from thinking, but I am also antsy to graduate as I have just 8 classes left!
So with that being said, we are down to the wire with this pregnancy now! only 25% remains! I have an ultrasound and OB appointment next week as well!