You didn't think I quit peeing after getting my positive did you?
Just a few progression photos. They are getting darker with each test which means my HCG is increasing which is exactly what we want.
So speaking of HCG, our blood test is on Friday. With that test, it will tell us how much HCG is in my system and the doubling rate shows if the pregnancy is considered healthy. If the test started showing positive on Friday, we can theorize that the level was about 20. The standard doubling rate for HCG is every 48 hours. That means that by Sunday it would be 40, Tuesday 80, Thursday 160 and Friday around 240. These are all guesses and the first number is not indicative of anything except PREGNANT. When you get your next number, it should be doubling in about 48 hours. So the test for this pregnancy will be on Monday which is 3 days later. The speed of doubling can be indicative of twins too. If you double much faster than 48 hours, it could mean you are carrying twins -- but it would mean fraternal twins which isn't a possibility with this pregnancy.
Fraternal twins means TWO eggs were fertilized. Since we only had one embryo transferred, that is not possible.
So let me give you a little anatomy lesson as to why my early positive tests are not indicative of a 4 letter word (TWIN) pregnancy.
We transferred a 5 day blast. DI/DI twins are cleaved at the morula stage-- 1 to 3 days after fertilization. With this type of identical twins, there are two sacs, two placentas. Placentas make the HCG. This type of identical twins would have high level of HCG produced in early pregnancy. Mo/Di twins would be possible for this type of embryo transfer since the blast cleaves at days 4-8. these types of identical twins have a separation in their sac but they share a placenta. Mo/mo twins cleave days 8-13 and the twins share the same sac of water and the same placenta.
So theoretically, we have a really strong embryo that is hanging on tight so that is why our tests are so beautiful. We won't have an ultrasound until 7 weeks.
If you think I have seen enough positive pregnancy tests, you're wrong!
So I have all of these tests I have done... but it is still not enough -- look at how many I have left to go!
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