Monday, July 10, 2017

Lining Check - Transfer Scheduled!

Today I traveled down to Richmond to get a lining check completed by the fertility doctor.

As always, we surrogates take the prerequisite weenie wand and exam room set up photos. 

The exam was perfect.  On CD11 of this cycle, we have a 9mm lining.  My ovaries were quiet and suppressed -- a lot of follicles -- so many so that the doctor asked me how old I was because I had a lot of follicles/eggs for a 34 year old.

With all of this good news, we have our transfer set up for next Thursday, July 20.  Sounds like a good day for a baby to snuggle in! 

1 comment:

  1. Eeeek., exciting! Yea for 20 July! Good stuff! You are an amazing women!
