Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Second Beta Results

Went over to Naval and had the blood drawn during a mass casualty exercise.  The military does these incidents occasionally where they act like something has happened to prepare for mission readiness.  This time they acted like an EOD went off on New River (the adjoining Marine Corps Air Station) and they were bringing patients to the ERs on base and out in town.  They put rouge on the patients.  This allows for the military to be prepared if this really did happen and also the hospitals to see if their resources would be overpowered by such an event.  Makes me miss EMS/Fire that much more!

So then I went to a meeting and came back to the hospital to get results! 

Our number is perfect and the doubling time was 46.33 hours which the doctors like it to be at least every 48.72 hours so that makes us perfectly normal for our doubling rates. A much faster rate can be indicative multiples and a much lower rate can mean the pregnancy is in peril.   

My doctor did call me with results not long after I got home and is also calling me in B6 to take 3 times a day to help try to mellow out this all day (and night!) sickness! 

Next up... Ultrasound on May 12.

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